Spring fun for kids!

Spring fun for kids!

Spring is the perfect time for kids to get messy! April spring showers can leads to lots of fun (and messy) outside learning experiences.

One activity for kids is to build a fairy garden. Take a large pot and fill it to the top with dirt. Take stones, plants and other natural items to create a scene (for example little houses or streets). The only limit is your imagination.

Another fun spring activity is to go a nature scavenger hunt. Work together to make a list of items to look for such as worms, frogs, leaves, rocks, etc. and then take the family on a little adventure. Don’t forget your rain boots, this could get muddy! A fun twist on this activity is to have a color based scavenger hunt where you find as many items as you can of a single color.

A final fun springtime activity is gardening. Using a small pot, fill halfway full of soil. Add a few seeds, pushing them down about an inch into the soil. Place in the sun and water as needed. In a few days you should have a little growth. Once the plant has outgrown the pot, plant it outside. Don’t forget to keep watering it throughout the summer. This is also the perfect time to talk to kids about what living things need to grow as well as the cycle of a plants’ growth. A great extension activity is to document the plants’ growth with drawings and to gather the drawings into a book at the end.

Springtime is a great time for learning!

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